Dan Secrist: Owner of Canyon Plumbing & Heating, Inc.

Dan Secrist

Dan grew up in Chapel Hill, NC and remembers observing a carpet cleaning company clean his family's home. Dan was fascinated by the whole process and said that one day he wanted to own a similar business. Dan acquired a degree from the University of Colorado and after graduation Dan found himself in a role supporting local small businesses for 15 years.In 2019, Dan became the proud owner of Canyon Plumbing & Heating, Inc. exceptional experience.Dan works alongside of his team of professionals to provide quality craftsmanship & premier service.Dan is also passionate about his community and serves on the board of local non-profit organizations.

Class With Plumbing Basics

Back to Class With Plumbing Basics

All Homeowners Should Know These Plumbing Basics As citizens of the most prosperous country in the world, Americans tend to take running, clean water for granted. There is nothing to think about when someone wants a glass of water. They can take a glass, turn on the sink and get water. In reality, however, the system


Septic Tank Plumbing Boulder CO

April Showers Could Lead To May Septic Problems

Heavy Rain Can Be Detrimental To Septic Tanks Septic tanks are one of the most underrated areas of the home. A home’s septic tank rarely ever needs professional service and works efficiently all year round to keep the home free and clear of wastewater. However, the sworn enemy of any septic tank is an influx


Local Plumbers Boulder CO

Water Conservation Ideas From Local Plumbers

Professional Plumbing Solutions To Prevent Water Waste! Everyone knows that protecting the planet is important. Helping the environment can often be a double-edged sword. Sometimes conservation and being eco-friendly can make life more difficult. However, doing the right thing will actually make for a win-win situation when it comes to water conservation. Schedule Plumbing Inspections When