Press Release

How Old Is My Water Heater?

When was the last time you thought about the age of your water heater? It's easy to take this essential appliance for granted until it malfunctions or stops delivering hot water. Knowing the age of can provide valuable insights into its potential lifespan and help you plan for necessary maintenance or replacements. In this blog


Hot Water Heater Repair Boulder CO

Hot Tips for a Long-Lasting Water Heater: Your Guide to Saving Money and Energy

How to Prolong the Life of Your Water Heater A water heater is essential in every household, providing hot water for various daily activities. However, like any other appliance, it has a limited lifespan. The good news is that you can take specific measures to prolong the life of your water heater and ensure it


Heating Plumbing Company Boulder CO

When Is It Necessary To Hire a Professional?

When Is It Too Dangerous to Repair a Heater? Most heaters can be repaired if they have been well-maintained. Professionals are experienced with complex issues such as thermostat malfunction, low airflow, and foul-smelling furnaces. While some problems may seem straightforward, DIY repairs can be extremely dangerous, even with online instructions or videos. How To Diagnose the Problem Misdiagnosing the


Is a Malfunctioning Water Heater Causing Problems?

Three Signs That a Water Heater Needs Repairs The U.S. Department of Energy notes that some water heater issues are so obvious that one doesn't even need to consider calling a professional; they just should. For instance, if a heater is more than 10 years old, it needs replacing. If a water heater constantly needs repairs (or if


Tankless Water Heater Maintenance Boulder CO

Schedule Water Heater Maintenance Today!

Get Maintenance Today To Avoid Hot Water Emergencies Summer is coming to a close, and that means the cool fall is right around the corner. As such, homeowners should gear up for the cooler temperatures to come. And part of responsibly preparing for fall is that homeowners should get water heater maintenance to avoid much-dreaded hot water